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Akhil Ennamsetty

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Narra Purushotham Reddy,

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In the corridors of JurisLit Law LLP, values are not just words; they are a legacy carried forward by our Chief Patron, Mr. Nandigam Krishna Rao. At the heart of his legal philosophy lies the profound influence of a mentor and a legal giant – Mr. C. Padmanabha Reddy.
Senior Advocate Mr. Padmanabha Reddy, an icon in criminal defense law in the country, needs no introduction. He believed in a principle that every accused, regardless of financial strength, deserves competent legal representation.
In the era when legal aid was yet to be institutionalized, Mr. Padmanabha Reddy stood as the Abraham Lincoln of the Hyderabad bar. He defended individuals not based on their ability to afford legal services, but on the principle that justice should be blind to one’s financial means. This commitment meant that he became the de facto legal aid in the then High Court of Andhra Pradesh for over six decades.
What set Mr. Padmanabha Reddy apart was not just his legal prowess but his unwavering dedication and simplicity. His reputation was such that even jailors, when approached by indigent accused seeking competent legal assistance, had but one name to suggest – Padmanabha Reddy. His name became synonymous with quality legal representation, and his influence was such that more than half of the criminal defense work in the then Andhra Pradesh High Court flowed through him.
This commitment to justice, irrespective of financial capacities, left an indelible mark on Mr. Nandigam Krishna Rao. He imbibed not just the legal expertise but also the ethos of ensuring that justice is accessible to all.
In embracing the values championed by Mr. Padmanabha Reddy, JurisLit Law LLP carries forward a torch of justice that transcends financial barriers. The belief that every individual, regardless of their background, deserves competent legal representation remains at the core of our legal practice. It’s not just a legacy; it’s a commitment to justice that echoes through generations.

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